• "Hello, I'm over here!"

  • For a dog, the world is full of smells, stimuli and sights - sometimes it's hard to get his attention when it matters most. Our foodpen will make life easier for you and your dog.

    The signal colors blue and yellow were not chosen by chance. Your dog can see these colors better than other colors. The foodpen also serves as a visual signal and is therefore particularly suitable as a training aid .

    Using the food pen as a training tool will help your dog orientate himself. He will quickly learn that following the foodpen is always worth it. Use this advantage if you want your dog's attention.

  • Our foodpen is also a real all-round talent!

    Do you wear gloves, have a small child with you or simply want to avoid “drool-covered” hands? Using the food pen is very easy and your hands stay clean.

    Is your dog a bit boisterous and sometimes just rudely grabs the whole treat from your hand even though he was only supposed to bite off a piece? No problem with the foodpen: simply use the wheel to dose the training snack and fix it in place if the dog wants to tear it out .

    Is your dog picky when it comes to treats?

    Many commercially available food rolls fit into our foodpen . We have listed some brands in the FAQ . We now also offer our own tripe sticks in the shop!

    By the way , our food pen also fits in any jacket pocket - so you can easily take it with you anywhere and have it quickly at hand when you need it!

operation manual